Course Description
Nowadays, intelligence in the candidates who are coming out of the colleges are par less from the expectation, is the feedback from many industrialists and educationist.We formed a team and analyzed many things to impart the necessary knowledge that is missing in the School / College studies. Out of our study we framed a unique curriculam that is called "Student Intelligence Package" that aims at imparting the missing elements from the schools.
This course contains six different categories of studies under one roof.
Computers are every and it is only through this any of the candidate is going to work in the future. Hence mastering (not learning) practical usage of the computers are very essential part of the student's learning. This category of course has the following subjects:
- Computer Fundamentals & Internet : This course focuses on imparting the basics of computer knowledge, the knowledge about Operating Systems, how different features of Windows Operating systems are organized, and finally how can we use the computer to browse in the internet to seek for the necessary information at the earliest possible.
- English Typing : As we are going to record most of our transactions only using computers, we need to know the basics of the computer Keyboard and some practice to type the required information without looking at the computer keyboard.
- Command Window & Batch Processing : This subject aims at imparting the knowledge of command window and performing some tasks through commands. The practice of this command line window operations will help us to automate some repeatedly doing works, that is called as Batch Processing.
- Microsoft Word : Microsoft word is a software that is used for preparing documents such as Letters, Bio-data and anything that contains running text with different highlighting. This is used mostly in many companies for the day to day documentation purposes.
- Microsoft Excel : Microsoft Excel is a software that is used for preparing tabular information with some basic calculations such as Students list with their subject marks, total, rank etc.
- Microsoft Powerpoint : Microsoft Powerpoint is used for the presentation of one' idea or analysis with the help of projector to a massive people. Being an Project demo or a Symposium, Powerpoint is unavoidable application that one should master with.
- C Programming : C Programming is part of all branch of studies nowdays. Hence learning C programming will be of very much helpful for a student. Learning C programming in our different way must help anyone to understand C programming very easily. We heard from many students that, what they once thought as very difficult to program, now seems much easier. Yes, we strongly recommend all the aspirant IT candidates to study this course without missing any of the topics, eventhough if they have completed it in their school / college days. This lays a strong understanding of hardware, software and how C programming helps to make the hardware to carry out the required tasks. This course ends of with a mini project. Once if you finish the mini-project, your confidence level will definitely shoot up to a next level.
- Python Programming : This course introduces computer programming using the Python programming language. Emphasis is placed on procedural programming, algorithm design, and language constructs common to most high level languages. A brief introduction to Python classes and object oriented design is included. Upon completion, students should be able to design, code, test, and debug Python language programs. /li>
Designin is considered to be a unavoidable feature of modern world that is very much helpful in presenting one's ideas to the other.
- Photoshop Foundation : Photoshop foundation course helps to understand not only the features of Photshop software but also helps mastering many design related concepts such as Color, shading, opacity, blurring etc.
- Photoshop Projects : Photoshop projects are nothing but the implementation of knowledge gained in the foundation course to prepare some of the real world examples such as visiting cards, logo etc.
Most of the students are nowadays engaged with the smartphones in one way or the other. This not only spoils their health but also reduces the mind power. To make them engaged in real world objects, we have collected five most useful games that can be either played invidually or can be played with their friends.
- Rubiks Cube : Rubiks cube is a cube of 3 x 3 boxes having differt colors on different side. The objective is to assemble all the boxes that is having same color on each side. In practice, this would take only 5 minutes to scramble and assemble again. Playing this game each day morning will boost up the motor skills of our lymbhic system.
- Sudoku : Sudoku is a popular number game with 9 x 9 squares contains few boxes with prefilled numbers. We need to fill the missing numbers from 1 to 9. We all know very well that the creativity of the Chinese people are at par from us. One of the key reason is their interest in solving this Sudoku puzzle every day. We give some tips to resolve the sudoku puzzles by oneself.
- Chess : Chess is a famous game that can be played by two persons. This game ensures the development of creativity for the betterment of a student.
- Time Management : Time management is an essential part of our life. This not only helps the student to organize themselves to plan their available time in a better way but also helps them in managing their profession in balance with their life.
- Rapid Reading : Until the 10 years of schooling (SSLC), a student is able to memorize most of the things and able to score higher marks. When they enter in 11th they find it difficult to memorize everything that they learned, because of huge volume of information. Rapid reading technique allows a student to apply systematic way of learning the subjects, taking notes and reproduce in examination without much stress.
- English Handwriting : Ofcourse, those who are studying in English medium are writing better than the Tamil medium school students. But still if they know a systematic way of writing the English will definitely help them to improve their cursive handwriting. This not only helps them to write clear and legible manner but also helps them to write quickly to match up the time during examinations.
- English Fluency Development : Although many English medium students are very good in basic English Grammar, they also find it difficult to understand the English spoken by others such as TV shows, English movies etc. This course aims at mastering the understanding power of the third party English Spokesman. This also gives a chance to learn many new words and improves their vocabulary.
The ultimate aim of human life is to live it happily and peacefully. But our modern education has put them in a situation to live in a very stressful life and unhappy moments. The four subjects available under this category will definitely help a student to easily understand what is human life, how to manage their health and live a happy and prosporous life.

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We strongly recommend this course for any student who completes their 6th Standard of study. This course can be studied regularly, by just spending 30 minutes to 1 hour a day.
All the best, Thank you.