Spoken English & Fluency Development


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Course Description


My name is Dhakchina Moorthy, I am the author of this course.

I studied by schooling in Government schools through Tamil medium. After completing my course, while I enter into the profession, I identified one thing that without the help of English fluency, it is really very tough to go up next level in any company. Hence I tried to acquire English fluency by studying in many Spoken English institutions. I got end up with many different experiences.

In few places, they started from very basic. In few places, they taught very well, but my timings were not worked out. In few places, they taught in a very different perspective than I expected. Hence I started studying on my own with the help of many Spoken English books. After about more than 5 years of vigorous analysis I came up with a new idea of learning English fluency. That's what you are going to learn in this course.

This course consists of two subjects. The first one is English Fluency Foundation. This subject is very essential to recapture the basics of English that we missed in Schools and Colleges. This has a new way of practicing called "Tongue Twising Exercises." This really helps us to easy master over the English words and basics.

The second subject is English Fluency. The English Fluency consists of a number of common topics explained in a very new way. First you will hear recorded voice of the topic, this will give you an idea of what the topic really is. Once you complete it, you will learn the explanation of that topic. Then again you will hear the same topic only in voice mode. Most of the people find it very helpful to learn the English Fluency very easily.

Hence I strongly suggest all the students who got studied in Tamil medium, but now looking for improving English fluency.

All the best. Thank you.

Course Content

Personality Development

Subject Name Duration
Spoken English  18:29 Read More
English Fluency Development  08:35 Read More
Course Fee
Spoken English
Total Duration :  18:29:39
Total Topics :  350
English Fluency Development
Total Duration :  08:35:18
Total Topics :  362
Price :  6,998  4,999
28.57% Offer (Save 1,999)
Offer Valid Upto 10-04-2025
No. of Subjects :   2
Total Duration :   51:04:57
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