Photoshop Foundation with Projects

Course Description

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Course Description

Designing is a field that has got more job opportunities in various fields such as Advertisement, Banners and animation operations. We usually requested by many companies that they are in need of Photoshop designers, even with just introduction to Photoshop knowledge is sufficient. They can give training and utilise them.

This course consists of the following subjects:

a. Photoshop Foundation: Photoshop foundation course helps to understand not only the features of Photshop software but also helps mastering many design related concepts such as Color, shading, opacity, blurring etc.

b. Photoshop Projects: Photoshop projects are nothing but the implementation of knowledge gained in the foundation course to prepare some of the real world examples such as visiting cards, logo etc.

If you want to secure a job immediately, then we strongly recommend this course.

All the best, Thank you.

Course Content

Designing, Animation and Video Editing

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Price :  2,998  2,499
16.64% Offer (Save 499)
Offer Valid Upto 20-03-2025
No. of Subjects :   2
Total Duration :   14:41:48
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