Course Description
Android application development is a booming sector in IT industry as many of the industries migrating its operations as mobile applications. Android applications made life much easier that helped to carry out most of the operations with the help of smart phones without the need for a Desktop computers or Laptop. Mainly this application helps the people to continue the work even on the move.This course lays a basic foundation for the Android application development. This course has the following subjects in it:
a. Java Foundation
Java is the langauge that is used for the development of Android applications. Learning Java in our way will make you to understand the Object Oriented Programming in a very practical way. This subject ends with a mini project that simulates the company development environment. Once we complete this subject, it helps to build the Android applications very easily.
b. Android Application Foundation: Android application development is not a free form of application development just like Java or C programming language. Android application is coming with a predefined framework that one has to understand thoroughly before going for the actual development. There are many concepts involved such as Framework, Android version, Simulator, Dalvik Virtual Macine etc. This subject lays that solid founcation.
c. Android Project: Developing a project is the right way of mastering Android application development. This is a mini project with handful of features that will be very much helpful to understand how the progressive application development is made in Android environment.
Android application development knowledge will be very much useful for a candidate to easily fetch a job in IT industry.
All the best, Thank you.